SEAP Seeks to Hire Communications Manager

We are seeking to hire a Communications Manager who is an exceptional writer, strategic thinker, and team player. This person will manage the overall messaging strategy of the Southern Economic Advancement Project (SEAP) and work alongside organizational partners to amplify their efforts.

Responsibilities include building, maintaining, and continuously growing a robust audience for SEAP’s message through content creation across newsletters, press, website, podcast, and other mediums. The Manager will be responsible for understanding current events, building relationships with media, and ensuring that SEAP content is timely, accurate, and impactful. The Manager will collaborate closely with other members of the SEAP team and will be a strategic thought partner to set goals and support projects, events and programs.

Launched in 2019, SEAP partners with policy thinkers and doers to amplify their efforts and bridge gaps in policy infrastructure. SEAP’s goal is to advance policies that improve economic security, healthcare access, and environmental justice for all Southerners—acting as a connector, convener, and policy entrepreneur across issues and states, translating good ideas to the Southern context. SEAP researches policies to achieve stronger outcomes at the state and local level in the South, amplifies the activities of local organizations through technical assistance and grants, and provides a bridge between the best learnings nationally and a regional strategy for implementation and engagement. Embedded in the work of SEAP is a rigorous consideration of race, class and gender, which intersect all social and economic policy in the South.

To apply, please send a PDF of your resume and cover letter by SEPTEMBER 27th to