Launched in 2019 by Stacey Abrams, the Southern Economic Advancement Project (SEAP) partners with thinkers and doers to amplify their efforts and bridge gaps in policy infrastructure. SEAP works with organizations and networks to broaden economic power and build a more equitable future. Broadening economic power brings attention to how race, class and gender intersect social and economic policy in the South. Our goal is to advance ideas that improve economic security, healthcare access, and environmental justice for all Southerners – acting as a connector, convener, and entrepreneur across issues and states, translating good ideas to the Southern context.
Since 2020, SEAP’s work has focused heavily on an equitable pandemic recovery. We began by network-building across the region through the creation of the South Strong coalition in 2020. In 2021, SEAP began engagement with South Strong partners on the use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to push for equitable allocations and outcomes. The ARP funds offer a chance to build community power and influence that can be leveraged as additional federal funds are appropriated for infrastructure, climate action, and other priorities.
SEAP works in conjunction with other Southern-focused projects, leading where needed and supporting where needed. We work closely with national recovery and economic coalitions to coordinate product development and deployment and spread awareness across networks. We simultaneously partner closely with Southern organizations as an intermediary to national efforts and technical support for their grassroots efforts.